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  • Tom Gallin

    Tom Gallin

    Tom Gallin


    Commercial General Contractor

    Phone: (212) 252-8900

    Address: 102 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10016

    I am one of the fourth generation owners of the oldest continuously family run General Contractors in New York City - John Gallin & Son (www.gallin.com).  For over 135 years my family has built office space with an unmatched level of dedication and expertise.  As with all of the Gallins, I started as a laborer at 18 while attending college.  The knowledge and insight from working your way up the ladder gave me the clearest view point to see the entire build out process  - from the physical building to client relations. When this unique experience is combined with my college and graduate education, I am able provide every client a complete understanding of the entire construction process.